Well, I guess I could start by saying I finally cut my own hair. From a many-layered cut going down to my waist in the back to a shoulder-skimming bob with bangs. My hair guy is probably going to freak out on me, but frankly, it was past time for this. Almost no layers now, and much less hair in my food, drink, and on the floors ;) And, I no longer wake myself up when sleeping. I'm a total spaz when it comes to styling long hair - with my layers I just couldn't manage a simple bun, and braids had all kinds of ends sticking out. On some people that looks kinda cute, but on me it looked awkward...much like me wearing plaid shirts, others look great but I look like I misplaced my axe 😏😆
Slowly stitching together a Summer blanket of granny squares I crocheted. Below is my first square I did (with a loonie for scale):
Is it even? Nope. Do I care? Nope, although that may change as I continue stitching the squares together 😅 One of my Aunts in B.C. taught me how to crochet years ago, and during one of the first lockdowns here I re-taught myself with the help of a great Youtuber called BellaCoco (I think?) Thanks to her Youtube channel, I'm thinking of trying to teach myself how to left-hand crochet. I also re-taught myself how to knit, but haven't really done anything yet. Well, I made a scarf as a gift, and the recipient seems to have liked it, so I guess that went well.
Sewing? Not so much, but I had hoped to get some done. There are so many projects in my mental queue that I think I'm overloaded with ideas and can't pick out just one to start with. Mending is what I do these days, although I'm only passable at it. I'll get better in time, I know...
Shenanigans? Not much really. I don't go out very often, although I do try and get up to some shit-disturbing here at home - keeping it to a minimum, I still have to live here ;) Small silly things, like pulling my Dad's pants down (far enough to make him gangsta like the kids) while he's busy washing dishes, then all of us laughing while he tries to chase me around the kitchen and living room with his waistband around his hips.
I've developed an interest in Horology, more in the direction of watch and clock repair than focusing on the history aspect. Perhaps because I have an interest in clockwork and animatronic figures and such. Robots before robotics, to put it simplistically. Don't get me started on my love of pocket watches! Sadly any courses out there are far too expensive for me to consider taking it up full time, but I've read a couple of books and found it educational. Eventually I may spring for some tools to fill out what I don't have and try things out on a couple of broken down watches we have around here. |I also have a vintage clock from the 1930s I may work up the courage to take a peek into to clean and maintain it properly. One day I hope to own my dream clock - these were usually made in Japan, but they have simple animatronic birds in a birdcage that move around, and sometimes sing *sigh* 😍
Now that I've babbled on and on...and on...I shall leave you to your day. Thank you for reading. Until next time...
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