Monday, 19 October 2015

Mrs. Depew has a great contest and sew-along running!!

See it here...

The contest ends October 23rd (this coming Friday), so if you want to enter you'd better hop to it! :)  In any case, this lady's got some amazing patterns on , and in her lovely Etsy shop here.

Happy sewing, and the best of luck to you if you enter her contest!


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Quick post with a strange but terrific tip! :)

If you have fiberglass stuck in and on your skin (after "playing" in the attic like Dad and I did this past Thanksgiving weekend), masking tape will help remove it!  Who knew, right?  Just stick it to yoself and rip it off like a waxing strip, and Bob's your Uncle, the fiberglass is gone.  No, a good shower does not completely work, BTW...

Thanks to Google (and "How Stuff Works", I think) for this terrific tip for a good night's sleep after insulating! :)


Monday, 5 October 2015

I've been bad... :)

Lack of pics, lack of blog goodness I'm a really bad blogger!

From last weekend (Sept 26 - 27) on I was sick with the stomach flu - consider yourself warned that this flu is out there, so take good care of yourself!

The previous weekend, I was trying to clean up a calculator from the office - technology and apple juice do NOT mix well, please be careful with liquids, especially ones that get sticky as they dry (Ewww!) *lol*

I've been trying (and failing) at not spending money - damn you Etsy! :)  Investment time is slowly coming and I need to build up as much as I can.  And yes, I DO consider myself lucky that I actually have money invested (RRSP, TFSA, my "I need a home of my own" money) rather than living from paycheque to paycheque.  It's a great habit to get into, if you can manage it at all I definitely recommend it.  Even $10 per month put away in an account that's hard to take money out of adds up over time.  Everyone needs an emergency fund in case of life happening while you were making other plans...

Still looking for work in the same company I'm currently working for - 10 years is a lot of seniority to throw away - but not much is coming up.  I do have a meeting booked with the hiring officer in a department that I'm VERY interested in, so we'll see what happens.  networking.  A life-saver in the office world, or any work-world for that matter.  Make those connections, keep them going, and use them when you need to.  That last step is so hard, but everyone needs help of some sort, and it's not weakness to ask.  It may look like a "friend of a friend of a friend" kind of chain, but perhaps your co-worker or whomever just might know someone that knows someone in another area of your workplace that might be able to help you get a foot in the  One thing to remember...always be ready to try and help someone else the same way if you can.  Pay it forward, return the favour, whatever, just don't be stupid enough to think that you can use people and not give something back!  Reputaions are broken that way, you know...  ;)

TTFN, must get back into the job hunt...